Fake Faces....

on Friday, April 2, 2010

This is one of the things which i experience the most in my daily life. Most of the people i meet everyday have some kind of mask on their faces which they are not even aware of due to their ignorance about their inner truth but can be easily observed. Its not their wish but they are forced to do that because it has become the essential component of their life.

For some people it's very painful to wear a mask but have to adopt a fake face because they are afraid to show their pain and sufferings as they don't want to hurt the people they love. They don't want to show the sadness of their heart that how much they are broken from inside and wear a mask of being the happiest people on this earth while few others who are afraid of loosing their position, they hold in the society, likes to wear a mask to hide their weakness and incapability. There are some people who wear a mask as if they are not at all concerned what's happening around them in their life despite of being very well aware of the fact that how much deep they are in their thoughts. In the same way some adopt a fake personality of being very disciplined about their life while a good majority of crowd try to show themselves as the most responsible people on this earth when they know that they are not. You will also meet some of the people who wear a mask of being very good friend of yours just because of some selfish motive.

But the fact is that whatever be the actual reason is, one thing is for sure that having a fake personality of any kind takes us away from our own reality. We start living a life of being some different kind of person which has got no connection to our own reality. We become a stranger to ourselves.

To live your life, it's not at all necessary to change yourself. It's actually your attitude which decides the destiny of life. Everyone is special in his/her own ways. Our fake face forces us to live in the world of dreams which is far away from the reality. I feel suffocation when i think about these masks on our faces. It makes it really difficult to trust someone and trust is an important ingredient which adds warmth and happiness in our lives. Wearing a mask can give you a short term happiness but when you reach your deathbed and think about all those faces which you have encountered with in your life, then only you come to know about the intensity of that severe pain deep inside your heart which arises by the realization of the truth that you were living the life of a fake. It hurts when you realize that your life could have been so better, happy and satisfied hadn't you wear any kind of masks. Having a fake face means you are not cheating others only but yourself too.

It's a problem with all of us that we like to have fake faces in our lives. We like a person who praises us even when we do something wrong but our heart doesn't want to trust that one who says the truth. And ultimately, it is both of the people who suffer severe losses and pain. Sometimes it's not bad to adopt a fake face if you are able to give happiness to others without any selfish motives. But to wear a mask for your own benefit is the proof of your weakness that how much you are afraid of loosing in life. God has given us just one life and has left the choice on us that how we want to live it. Then why to waste it living the life of somebody's else. If somebody truly loves you then he/she will stay with you otherwise will go away. Be yourself, live in reality, come out of yours unrealistic dreams, throw away all kinds of mask from your face and have true faith in God, then only you come to know what's life is all about and will come to know the way to make your life beautiful!!!

Have to leave Guys

on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

hey guys...have to go on the next journey of my life...ll be back very soon with more updates!!! :) bbye....cya.....luv ya all :) and ll keep doin that!!! always....


on Sunday, March 21, 2010

Friends…the word means a lot more to me than its literal meaning. If I have earned really something good in my life then it’s just a few good friends and the beautiful memories they gave to me. A good friendship is one of those few things which I really care about. It gives me that moral support which helps me a lot when I am alone. Every time when I have to leave any place because of change of job or any other reason, the thing which I miss the most are my friends only and the intensity of pain I feel while doing that is the same every time. I never been able to come out of that shock for a long period of time which always makes it a little bit more difficult to me to get settled at a new place and to adjust with the new settings. But as nature never wants you to get stop at one stage, it keeps on sending new people in your life to make you understand about its reality. It makes you to leave the things you love because it wants you to come out of your world of dreams so that you can understand about what the real world actually is. But I never understand that how can you forget those people so soon with whom you share your dreams, your moments of joys and sorrows, and your feelings??? How can you stop to think about those people with whom you share the most beautiful time of your life??? People always say to move on but how??? This they even don’t know. It’s not easy at all to leave everything behind just within a few seconds of time. Trust me guys, it hurts a lot!!!

Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks’ degenerating into a desire, but friendship is only about sharing. So, don’t even dare to underestimate its power!!! It can do miracles and can bring a smile on your lips even in your loneliest times when other things fail to do that. If I start from my childhood, the first two names which strike to me are Akku and Coockie. We used to play in the inspection house and had lot of fun everyday. Now I don’t remember much about that time as I left that that city when I was only 4 years of age, but their names are still so fresh in my mind!!! Sometimes I wonder whether they also remember me or not as so many years have been passed since then. After that, we got transferred to a new place and I met a new group of friends --- Luckkey, Gogi and Sid. We all were in the same school and used to pass our evenings playing cricket and video games with other guys. Then I went to a new place and two new names added to my friend’s list – Amit & Varun. Both are extremely fun loving guys and still after so many years, are very good buddies of mine. They are smart, helpful and very courageous. We know about each other a lot. Again, I was forced to change my old school as it was only up to 10th and I took admission in a new one. There I met Pulkit, Giriraj, Ankit and Nitin who became good friends of mine in such a short time!!! The school was extremely boring with very strict rules but somehow I was able to stay there just because of these guys. They help me a lot to make me understand that life is not that easy as it seems to be. I studied there till 12th.

The biggest change in my life came after that only when I had to leave my family, all my friends, and every other thing which I love as I had to go to a new place for my further studies. I have already written about my college life in my previous posts :) College got over, new challenges came and life got drastically changed. I got the opportunity to work in a big MNC and for the first time in my life, I came to know about the corporate world!!! I saw the new way of living life and met new people there who all had come from different communities and cultures. I got to know what real world actually is all about. I saw the new kind of lifestyle where no one waits for the other. I made lot of new friends there too. Mohit, Charan, Prateek, Gaurav, Varun, and Biku are just the few names otherwise the list is quite long!!! I have already written about my other friends in my previous post :) While I was getting habitual of new things there, again conditions got changed and I had to leave that place too. I have already described about my last day at the office in one of the posts. One more time, I went through all that stuff which I always hate to do.

And this is just the official list of my friends. The unofficial one includes all those names as well with whom I meet just once or twice in my daily life and who make me learn something new every time. It has happened with me so may times that while going in a train or a bus; I made so many new friends with whom I had never been able to talk again but even after being an unknown to me, have given me those memories which I can never forget!!!

If there is one ingredient which adds warmth and love to life…it is friendship. With friends we can share what we see, what we feel and what we love. Friends can help us with our problems because they only listen to us. And as they listen, we begin to understand the language of our own hearts. A good friendship helps us to go through with our other relationships as well. It helps you to face your bad times and to enjoy the good times. If you really want to earn something in your life then try to have some good friends who will always be there when you need them and make you feel as if you are living in some different kind of world. And there is a very famous saying which I read somewhere that: “Most people come into our lives and quickly leave. It is the special few that come in and leave a footprint in our hearts, and we are changed for forever”.

What Girls Really Want???

on Saturday, March 20, 2010

One of my best friends… Rimit… asked me this question yesterday and wanted me to write something about this. So, this post is for him:) To tell you the truth, I have also never been able to find out the answer of this!!! I am also a big dumbo like you to talk about this topic. There's no magical answer that's going to tell you exactly what a girl wants. Every girl is unique and different from others. Some grow up in pink dresses. Some grow up in ratty jeans. Some love horses, some love nail polish. They are so confusing that even the forces which created them don’t know themselves what they really wanted to create and what actually got created!!! She can drive you crazy for what she wants. May be a girl herself doesn’t know the answer and that’s why likes to confuse us so much.

Trust me guys, a real girl is extremely difficult to tackle with. She never lets you know her ways which keeps you under control. You can never judge her mood by the way she talks. Girls are like a massive sea of emotions. While they can give you the calmest and most peaceful experience, they can also brew the fiercest of storms sinking every guy’s ship that crosses their path. If she looks sad that means it’s a time for you to face that situation with a great courage!!! If she sounds happy, then even you are in trouble!!! Your most difficult time comes when she gets angry because of something because that time you become the biggest victim to face that volcano of anger, no matter, what the real reason of that anger actually is. As you hang up the phone after talking to your girl friend who has gone from being super nice to super naughty and back to super nice just in a matter of 10 minutes, you wonder and asks yourself who is this multi headed monster you are dating with!!! She makes you to go through all kinds of feelings in a single phone call. One minute she tells you how happy she feels being with you, the next second she makes you feel that how happy she is when you are away from her. She thinks of you the most when alone and you are of no importance when she is along with her friends!!! They are the biggest mind readers and can catch all your lies very easily. To cry is their biggest blackmail which no guy can save him from. They never give you the straightforward answers. Even if they have to answer the simplest ones, they take it as their insult to answer simply in ‘yes’ or ‘no’!!! Whenever you know that something has gone wrong and you want to ask about that, the answer always comes as “nothing” which means she is lying. The truth is that she wants you to ask the same question at least a 1000 times before telling you the truth. She thinks that she knows the best solution of every problem and wants your suggestion just to make a fun of you!!! They are strong, tough and patient. I know girls who work 20 hours a day and after only 4 hours of sleep, they get ready to work for another 20 hours!!! Even after that they look so fresh and enthusiastic. They can talk for hours and never get tired of talking on phone. If you care for her, she gets irritated. If you show no care at all then you get the adjective of being mean and selfish!!!

But still here are some important points which you can keep in your mind. They don’t care even if you are the strongest guy in the world. So never try to show off and be down to earth. Don’t try to be mean to get their attention. Cursing and fighting never impress them so don’t ever try to dominate your girl friend if you really care about her. They love surprises a lot. The little things you do mean the most to them. They can easily catch when you don’t listen to them so try to be a good listener. They need your advice sometimes so don’t be afraid to give your precious ideas to them. If she is upset because of anything, try to make her smile as much as possible. No need to hide your secrets in true love so never lies in front of her. Never cheat on her or break her heart. Never pretend to love her always but tell her exactly how you feel about everything. Don’t ever force her to do anything which she doesn’t want to do. Respect her feelings. Make it a habit to apologize to her even if it’s not your fault. That doesn’t make you to loose your self respect. Love her the way she is and never force her to get change for you. And if you really need some good advice then go and ask about these things to an expert or an experienced person as I am not at all good in these kinds of things!!!

But I can tell you about one thing. If a girl truly loves you, she can make you feel like in heaven. If you give her a house, she makes it a home. If you give her a smile, she gives you her heart. She can make you come out of your most difficult times by her magic. She can be your biggest courage and strength to fight with your difficulties. So if you have someone who really loves you a lot, then take care of her because if she knows how to love, then she also knows how to make you pay for that!!!

The Sky Is Falling

on Friday, March 19, 2010

Title sounds interesting...right??? I read this phrase for the first time while reading an old fable. The story is about a small sweet little chicken who believes that the sky is falling just because an oak nut falls on his head and he gets afraid because of that. It scares him so much that he starts to tremble all over. He shakes so hard, half his feathers fell out. He decides to tell the king about this and gets join by his friends Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey in the quest. They meet a cunning fox called Foxy Loxy in their way. When they tell their aim of meeting the king, he asks Chicken Little that how he knows that the sky is falling. The chicken little tells him that he saw it with his own eyes, heard it with his own ears and a bit of it falls on his head, showing him the acorn. Foxy tells them that he knows where the king lives. He leads them to his own den and nobody ever comes out after that!!! The moral of the story is not to be a chicken every time but to have courage. It teaches not to believe everything you are told. It may be possible that the things which you believe are the only one which keeps you unaware of the path of light and is the only hindrance in your success. Stay away from the foxes which always try to take a wrong benefit of yours for their own well being. Make yourself so strong that nobody ever dare to make a fun of you!!!

The phrase “The sky is falling” refers to that phobia and anxiety which develops within inside our minds due to our unrealistic fears and others take benefit of that. Do not get convince by those like Chicken Little gets convince about the falling sky which finally, leads to his demise. A child always born fearless and is away from all kind of evils. But slowly as he grows, he starts to accept the fears from the world around him. He starts to believe the things which he has seen in his childhood or have been taught by his parents and the teachers when he was a small child. If you don’t want yourself to be called as a Chicken Little then you must have to come out of your orthodox views. Live a flexible life. It’s never bad to change yourself for something good. People respect those who respect themselves. People who don’t know how to sort out their matter themselves, they make fun of their own. Do not believe others on the things which are wrong and never let them to take benefit of yours. Here is one more very famous old story about a lion and a rabbit which I remember since my childhood. Once there was a cruel lion. He offers to all the animals in the forest that if one of them comes to him as his meal for the day, he would not kill anyone else among them. All the animals agree to this. One day, it’s a rabbit’s turn and it takes quite long to reach the lion. The lion asks him the reason for being late. He acts wisely and said, Sir! I got stopped by another lion, who also claims to be the king of the jungle and he wants to meet you. So do I, the furious lion say. The rabbit takes the lion to a well and shows him his reflection in the water of the well. The lion jumps into the well to catch his opponent and gets drained. How intelligently, the rabbit gets rid of the wild beast!!! If he has also acted like Chicken Little, he could have also died like him. But he acted wise and saved himself!!!

To loose your courage in difficult times always results in a failure. You always have a choice how you respond to whatever occurs in your life. If you are asleep to the process of how life works, life hits you harder. Try to learn something new everyday from the life’s experiences. The more you resist the lesson to be learned, the more intense and painfully it revisits you. If you pay proper attention to the lessons you learn and assume personal responsibility for your growth in life, nobody would ever be able to stop you. Otherwise this world is always ready to put hurdles in the path of your success. Don’t be a chicken little. Don’t get afraid. The sky is never gonna fell on your head!!!

A Tribute To Indian Soldiers

on Thursday, March 18, 2010

This is in tribute to all those soldiers, who laid their lives for this nation, and are still an unknown to us!!! This is to memorize those brave martyrs of this country who sacrifice their lives for us so that we can sit comfortably at our homes without any kind of fear. An Indian soldier never thinks of what community he belongs to or what region he has come from??? He knows only one thing that this land is his mother and even if he needs to sacrifice his life for it, he will do that!!! The safety, honor & welfare of their country comes first, always & every time. The honor, welfare & comfort of the men they command come next. And their own ease, comfort & safety come last, always & every time. They don’t need anything else in return except our love, respect, and honor. This feeling of braveness has made these real heroes different from us. The biggest difference between us and them is that we never does anything more than what we are paid to do. They paid their today for our better tomorrow.

I have met some of the soldiers myself too. Let me share an experience of mine with you all. Once I had to go to Delhi for some work there. There was a person sitting besides to me. As I can never stay quite for so long, I started talking to him. Once I got to know that he belongs to Indian army and was a soldier there while fighting in Kargil as well, I curiously asked him so many questions about what happened there??? He was from Gorkha Rifles. He was feeling so energetic and excited while sharing his experiences with us that could be easily seen on his face. There was a hint of pride in his voice. He told us that the terrain of Kashmir is mountainous and at high altitudes; even the best roads, such as National Highway 1D from Leh to Srinagar, are the only two lanes. From their observation posts, the Pakistani forces had a clear line-of-sight of NH 1D, due to which they were in better position than the Indian soldiers and were able to cause heavy casualties to them. This was a serious problem for the Indian Army as the highway was its main supply route and was of utmost importance from the strategic point of view too. The continuous Pakistani shelling caused a serious threat of Leh being get cut off. The enemies were armed with small arms and grenade launchers including mortars, artillery and anti-aircraft guns. There were soldiers from one of the neighboring countries as well in those infiltrators. Many places were heavily mined which made the conditions for the Indian soldier even more difficult. But still fighting with those challenges and in such difficult conditions, we won that war!!! . In the end, he became so emotional remembering his friends whom he lost in Kargil that he started to cry!!! This narration of bravery showed by Indian soldiers in that war filled my heart with feeling of great respect for them and made me memorize of their sacrifices they make everyday!!!

Indian army is the 4th biggest army in the World. It came into being when India gained independence in 1947, and inherited most of the regiments and infrastructure of the British Indian Army that were located in post-partition India. There are lots of stories of their bravery and their pride which filled our hearts with glory and pride. Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey who forced back the intruders from the Batalik sector during the Kargil war got hit with 10 bullets before he gave up. Captain Vikram Batra who thrilled the enemies with his extraordinary braveness and strength sacrificed his life when he tried to rescue an Indian officer in an enemy counter attack. Both of these real heroes of the country sacrificed their lives in the war of Kargil and have been awarded with the highest gallantry award of the Indian Army, The Param Vir Chakra!!! The list is endless!!!

Indian Army has served the nation with great honor and glory, defending its borders in times of peril. It has proved its greatness by always being a great help at times of natural calamities for his countrymen. Today, we can sleep at our houses without any fear because we know that protection of our country is in safest hands. How many times we pause and ponder on the fact that we are fortunate enough to have these brave soldiers in our nation who give no second thoughts before laying their lives for us when we are busy giving thoughts to our weekend plans??? I salute these heroes who keep my country safe and secure of the outside attack and make me feel proud of being an INDIAN!!!

Communal Riots in Bareilly!!!

on Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I came back to Bareilly on 3rd of March. When I reached the station, there were very few people there. I was surprised to see that as I had never seen such a little crowd at this place ever before. All shops were closed and there was a suspicious kind of silence all over. People were looking tensed and frustrated. There were a few autos and rickshaw but no one wanted to go in the interiors of the city. People were in hurry to go back to their places as if something wrong has happened. I tried to call few of my friends but nobody picked up the call. It increased my suspicion. I had to ask several rickshaw pullers before someone finally got ready to take me to my house. As I went through the market, I observed that all roads were empty and there was not even a single shop which was opened so that I could have bought something for anyone. There were policeman all around including several companies of RAF, patrolling gypsies and a few military personals. Everything was getting checked very cautiously. All of this was a bit scary and confusing to me as I had never seen such a kind of tensed silence in my city ever before. Finally, I reached my place and suddenly there were so many questions were shot at me at once from my family members and neighbors about my well being as soon as I entered the house. They asked a lot of things about the conditions in the city and I lied. I told them that everything is fine as I don’t want them to become tensed unnecessarily. Then I went immediately to check last few days newspapers and only then I came to know that the city was burning in the fire of communal riots since last 2 days. I was shocked!!!

Bareilly has been under curfew for 15 days now ever since the day it started with the skirmish during the procession of Barawafat (birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad) when the route was diverted from the original route plan. Residents of the area say permission had not been taken from the district administration for the diversion. Police say the matter was further complicated due to the reaction from the residents of the nearby colony. It doesn’t matter what the immediate reasons for communal riots were, but it seems that preparations for them are made much in advance. It is also a strange thing that the riot took place in that city, which had been Ala Hazarat or Ahmed Raza Khan's place of work, and even today his tomb is a place of worship for all and which has such a rich cultural history that people, doesn’t matter what religion they belong to, praise so much!!!.

There have been heavy losses to everyone because of the curfew. The market of Bareilly suffers a loss of crores of rupees because of the curfew everyday. Many shops have been burned out. According to the records, though no one has died in the violence but 28 people have been injured and property worth nearly Rs 4 crore gutted in the riots. Students who have their board exams this month have also been very badly affected. People are not been able to get the medical facilities on time. A big problem of shortage of food grains has also aroused in front of the people. But its greatest impact has been on the small shopkeepers and those people who are dependent on their each day earnings for their survival. Everyone else is trying to make the full political use of the situation. The other political parties are pointing out at the ruling government for not being able to control the communal violence in the city. A big leader was arrested and then got released just after 3 days which made the conditions even more crucial.

Everybody knows that issues like food, clothes, power, water, development, and security are more important to common man than anything else, doesn’t matter at all what community or caste they belong to. While solving these problems, the society should have no time to fight in the name of the religion. But still these kinds of things happen. It’s not right to blame only one or two people for that when whole society is responsible. Instead to point out at others, we should try to look inside ourselves. God never wants you to fight on his name. The color of blood is same for all of us, no matter, what religion we belong to. When doctor treats you he never asks which religion you are from as the treatment is same for everyone. Now the riots have been suppressed by the good administration but no doubt that loses it has caused would have a deep impact on the minds of the people and it will take a long time to heal that pain which it has left.

Those 4 Farzi Years Of My Life :) :) :)

on Tuesday, March 16, 2010

You cannot imagine how much proud I feel when I think of myself as being one of the furziest engineers of this world!!! There are very few people who deserve to be called as a true farzi engineer and I have worked really hard to get that title!!! This is in tribute of all those engineers who think that they actually were not born to be an engineer but somehow they managed to become one. I am writing this in fond memory of those 4 precious years of my life which otherwise I could have spend in something more creative and innovative.

I feel so proud to tell you how a farzi engineer spend those 4 sucking years of his life, continuously saying “all is well” to himself, when he knows that nothing can ever go right for him. There are so many crazy things which I did during this period of my life. Let me share a few of those with you. I was in 1st year of my graduation and the occasion was of Diwali. I blew a rocket from my department. Unfortunately the rocket did not go straight and turned towards the director’s office and hit the glass door. Now you can easily imagine why I never played with crackers after that!!! There is one more same kind of incident which happened when I and 2 of my friends had to give a viva on OOPS. The person who had to take our viva belonged to Gorakhpur. When I and my friends went out for it, he asked an unexpectedly simple question. On hearing that, both of my friends could not control their laughter and started to laugh which started with a hint of shyness in it and ultimately reached a loud khe-khe-khe-ho-ho-ho-he-he!!! Looking at them I also started to laugh and could not able to control it after that for the next 5 minutes. Our HOD was also there that time in that room. The invigilator got embarrassed and he asked us the terrible questions after that. That Viva proved a nightmare for us. When the result came, somehow I was just been able to cross the boundary and both of my other ‘laughing’ friends got failed!!! The question was, is C a programming language or an operating system??? There also came the most insulting moment of my BTech life when our 2nd year end sems were going on. There was a teacher who used to trust me a lot. I was her favorite student. The exam was of electrical engineering which had a lot of numerical in its syllabus. It was hard to learn the formulae for all so I wrote some of them on my table before the exam. I don’t know how but the teacher caught me and scolded me a lot. Then she erased all the formulae written on the table herself. Finally she said “I cannot believe that you also do this like all others”. Suddenly all my classmates shouted in one voice that “Mam, what’s new in that. He does this in almost every exam”. Can you believe that???

There are lot of same kind of tragedies which happened in those 4 years of my life. The list is endless. I did not submit even one assignment on time and never wasted a single moment of my life in labs etc. Made full use of proxy to complete my attendance and it was like an insult to study except a night before the exam. I used to sit on the last bench and never even tried to find out where our library is??? I got everything Xeroxed and never bought even a single book. I spent most of my time at the khokas built outside our university and never let my teachers know what my roll number is. After the exam, we had the same excuse every time that all of the questions were out of syllabus and that’s why the paper didn’t go well. There was one more excuse that the things which I studied did not come at all!!! Although it’s a different thing that few people used to accept the truth also that they did not prepare well and that’s why were not able to do anything in the exam also. It was fun to do strike to get the date of the exams extended and proudly I can say that we succeeded almost every time!!! I never prepared any kind of presentation myself and my friends saved me from the trouble of making project files also. Made hell lot of friends and done those crazy things which nobody can ever expect. But still at the end of those 4 years, I managed to get a very good scorecard and got opportunities to work at many places.

To tell you the truth, I miss those years. I miss those classes where I studied, the playground of my university, sitting at the khokha with my friends, the last minute tension before the exam, lecture given by my teachers, and all those moments of several joys and sorrows which I experienced there. It was only after that beautiful period of my life when I come to know about the reality. People made me understand that life is not only about fun. It wants you to learn something new everyday. I know I will never get those days back again but will never let those memories go out of my heart and my life which always bring a tear of joy in my eyes. Never!!!

A New Morning!!!

Each new morning starts with new hopes and expectations. The greatest gift you have is the knowledge that every new day is a beginning. Promise yourself to celebrate each new day as a new challenge and be thankful to God who has gifted you with such an unbelievable life. Start each day fresh and forget about the failures and mistakes you committed in your past. Be determined each and every day to wake up with a sense of importance and determination and try to improve yourself and your thoughts each new day of your life. Expect the best and make your heart happy. Make someone smile everyday and stop to worry about those things which you don’t have.

Let me share a story with you. One day a man was walking down the street and saw his friend crawling around on his hands and knees looking for something. The man asks his friend what he is looking for. His friend says, "I lost my key." The man feels sorry for his friend and gets down to help look for it. After a long time without success the man asks his friend where he was standing when he lost his key. The friend replies, "Oh, I lost it in my house." Outraged by this the man asks why he is looking on the street then. His friend says, "Because there is more brightness here." You may find the story funny but has got the deep meaning inside. Everyone wants to know the purpose of his life. He wants to figure out the secret to his happiness. He wants to find the key to live a loving and joyous life. Yet, he look everywhere except inside of him. When we think about our past, we recognize the mistakes we did and about the victories we achieved. It doesn't matter what we did yesterday but the thing which matters the most is how much determined we are to learn from that. Ask forgiveness for yesterday and move on to the present. We are not provided with any other choice as it’s not in our hands to change the paste. Feel the beauty of the first rays of the sun, directly falling on your face, and filling your soul with joy and brightness. Let your soul sing a new song each morning. Believe in the power of God. Think what you are suffering from now, is nothing as compared to the glory he will give you later. Your faith in him will make you strong up to the end of yours. He is your true helper so never get afraid of anything. Try to connect with others who have also gone through similar situations and try to find some hope, strength and encouragement from their experiences. Reach out to someone else who is struggling and you may discover that your peace of mind is found in being a source of hope for another.

Every night before you go to bed, go outside and raise your eyes to the heavens. Feel the beauty of the stars and the moon and praise God for these magnificent treasures.
Think of today as another chance to prepare yourself for that exciting future of yours you are looking for. Today is not a waste. If you desire more from life, then you can use today as a training and prepare yourself for a new morning. You will get a chance to experience only what you are prepared to experience. The faults and mistakes that you made in your past are gone and here is your chance to start your new life. Assure your heart of this thing that something wonderful can happen. And you can use your today to get ready for a new morning…

When Tears Become Your Power!!!

on Monday, March 15, 2010

I read it somewhere that life does not listen to your logic, you have to listen to the logic of life. We all make every possible effort to make things better but even after that sometimes we fell into a situation when all our hopes vanish and we feel so much defeated and disgraced that we feel to cry. Our heart suffers from that intolerable pain in those times which brings tears in our eyes. We don’t want anybody else to see those tears and conditions get worsen. In those difficult times, life becomes a hell and situations become so hectic to handle that we feel like to run away from everything. But if you stop to think about your sorrows for a few moments and try to see the other side of it, you will find that these tears of your eyes can also be the biggest strength of yours if you want. Strength – which nothing else can ever provide you!!! You can convert your emotions into that real power of yours which can take you to a new height of success which you can’t even dream about.

When we look at the past, we find that most of the great people whom we admire today had also gone through so many difficult problems in their lives. They did not become great just in a day, but have worked really hard for that. They did not loose their hope even after many defeats in their life and tried again and again to get succeed. There are so many wonderful success stories where people create the world of their dreams on their own without any support. Do you know how other people with disabilities overcome their personal challenges and achieve career success??? The greatest footballer, Edison Arantes do Nascimento (Pele), was so poor in his childhood that he did not have money even to buy a football for him. He practiced with the football made of cloth and became the greatest footballer of the world!!! Lal Bahadur Shastri, another big legend, was born in a very poor family. His father died when he was only one and a half years old. Growing up without a father forced him to accept the responsibility at an early age. He worked hard, got our country freed from the clutches of the British government and later became the second prime minister of independent India. There is one more name who achieved that impossible success in her life which no one can even think about. She was an American author, political activist and lecturer. She was the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. Yes!!! I am talking about Helen Keller who became very ill when she was only 19 months old. However, she was able to survive somehow but the disease left her deaf and dumb. She decided to fight with her disabilities and became one of the greatest legends of History. You can find unlimited number of these kinds of success stories where people did not let their tears become a waste. These tears are necessary for us to become more mature and to find better ways of fighting with our problems.

It’s no secret that humans are creatures of habit. We find it easier to do the same thing over and over again before we’ll make a change in our lives. Try to understand the power of your tears. Don’t let them flow just like that. You need never be ashamed of your tears. It’s like a rain upon the blinding dust of our emotions overlying your hard hearts. Even psychologists encourage people to let them flow freely, unobstructed by any sensors that may shut them off. The research on psychoactive substances in tears is under way. There is a reason to believe that tears may be important in the maintenance of physical health and emotional balance. Life is a never ending vacation. It’s a long journey with several ups and downs. So whenever you cry, the best thing is to let your tears flow freely, face the reality, stop cursing others, convert the power of your tears into your greatest strength and shout with confidence!!! “Is their any other problem which has still been left to fight with me??? If yes, then come up and show me how strong you are??? Show me your real face. This time…I have got the biggest weapon, the power of my tears with me, which will encourage me till the time; I would not win against you!!!”

My Inspiration

All of us get inspire by someone or something which deeply influence our thoughts and way of looking at the difficulties of our life. Whenever you feel low you can listen to some good music which you admire or can go for some good inspirational writings which can make you feel better. But a true inspiration is something which motivates you to fight with your challenges for your entire life. And that cannot happen unless or until something really touches your heart and gets penetrate deep inside your soul.

My inspiration is a collection of all my experiences which I have gained in last 22 years of my life. Everyday I meet with so many new people who belong to different cultures and communities. I never leave an opportunity to learn something new from their lives. I treat this entire world as my teacher which teaches me that the situation that causes us sorrow is the same one that introduces us to the strength, power, and wisdom that we truly are. Reading each morning also inspires me reminding me that no life doesn’t matter how wonderful is, free of problems and challenges. Whenever I feel low, I see some inspirational videos and songs. But my biggest inspiration is my Mom who teaches me those real things of my life which no one else can do. Her teachings inspire me each moment of my life. She says that true happiness comes by giving, not getting because it makes you feel that if you have done nothing wrong with anyone, then why would it happen to you??? And this feeling of being free from any kind of guiltiness inspires a lot!!! Life is very unpredictable .Nobody knows what is going to happen next in his/her life. The way you think it’s going to unfold is not the way it’s going to unfold. You may feel yourself defeated sometimes. A good inspiration may help you a lot to come out of those difficult times of your life and to fight with its uncertainty.

Now, it may be possible that you are still not been able to find out that what actually inspires you. True inspiration may come to you in any form of life. Try to recognize the things which make you feel enthusiastic and provide you the real strength. Try to learn from other’s experiences and take some inspiration from them that how they fights with the difficulties of their own lives. Praise the people whom you really admire and follow what they say. Always trust those things which give you Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, and Faithfulness. Make plans and set your goals. Get the right inspiration, work hard and go for what you desire. You will find that your life has become much easier than it was ever before.

When Trust Is Broken!!!

on Sunday, March 14, 2010

I was thinking to write something about this since a long time. I was just waiting for the write time to do this. Having trust on somebody means that you rely on that person for any specific thing or a reason. It means you have got faith in that person and you are confident about him. It gives you the strength whenever you are in some deep trouble and provide you the right support when you feel alone. It inspires you to face the challenges of your life with courage and determination because you know that even if everything would go wrong, you have got somebody who will never leave you. But what happens when trust is broken!!!?

It has been rightly said that trust starts with a smile and ends with tears in your eyes. Most of the people don’t ever trust that person again who has broken their faith once. But do you even know the reason why that thing happened??? Why somebody broke your trust??? There may be a reason behind that which nobody knows about. It may be possible that the person who has broken your trust is in more pain than you are actually in. Try to find out that have you also broken somebody’s trust just as yours has been broken because if you have also ever done that in your life then what right do you have to curse others??? But still in most of the cases, the person who has been betrayed is the only one who suffers from that pain of broken faith -- the pain which cannot be express in words. But even if somebody has cheated on you it doesn’t mean to stop trusting others as well. I know broken trust takes time to heal but don’t allow others to take benefit of that by any means. You need to have patience because this kind of healing always takes some time. Despite of cursing others, it’s better to do something good to your own. In order to come out of that pain, you must have to make strong commitments and should have courage to follow them. Be the best friend of yourself. Recognize the need to trust again. Some people decide not to have any other close relationship ever again in their life which is not right. Human beings are social creatures and need one another. Even if you don’t want to trust someone blindly again, you can try to have few good friends at least who can help you out to come out of your fears. People who have experienced deep betrayal in their childhood through abuse, believe that they are unable to trust anyone in any fashion. This is not true. It’s not necessary to try to find out only one person with whom you can share your entire heart. The thing which matters the most is all of your needs have to be met. And you can do that by trusting different people with different needs. Try to see that how that person whom you trust treats others. In many cases, the fear of trusting another person is more about your own fear of not being able to handle a betrayal. Even if that happens again, make a promise to yourself that even in worst conditions of your life, you would not stop trusting yourself at least.

Everyone changes with time. When another person’s actions have shattered your ability to trust, it can be very difficult to learn to trust again. However, you can learn to do that even after being deeply wounded in your past. You just need to have courage and patience for that. And it’s not wrong if you can forgive someone for his/her deeds because someone has rightly said that “we can love anyone.........but we cannot trust everyone”!!!

Face Your Fears!!!

We struggle daily with our fears. Some of them are real while others are just the result of our thoughts and imagination. It doesn’t matter whether we are able to fight with the real fears of our life or not but at least they have got some solution. We can find out how to tackle with them. But what about those which have got nothing to do with our real life??? There are few people who never give it a thought what is going on in their life and keep moving on but what about those who spend most of their time roaming in their own thoughts??? People are afraid of a lot of things…failing, flying, heights, threatening animals, love, and a lot more but have we ever given a thought to find out that greatest fear of our life which has given birth to all those unrealistic ones??? Have we ever tried to recognize what we are most afraid of, finding a solution to which can do miracles for us???

A great majority of people is afraid of dying one day. Some are afraid of being alone. Some fear the most of loosing their closed ones while others are afraid of getting failed. Some are afraid of their past and some gets disturbed when they think about their future. The list is endless!!! That fear of us kills us each moment of our life. It is the most destructive element of our mind which makes us unable to differentiate between the right and the wrong. Our fear leads to various sins which we were not supposed to commit. The best way to win against your fear is to find out the reason first that why you fear of that thing the most. Try to analyze whether it can harm you at any way or not. If it can’t, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Look at others what they are doing to keep their mind free of that. Change the way you think and start to believe in optimism. Try to control your thoughts and take every new day as the new one. Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that can happen?” And make yourself prepare to face that. It can help you to take the greatest risks of your life which can make you free of all the things you are afraid of. Never hesitate to share the confusions of your life with your closed ones who can help you the best to come out of your fears. Make yourself so strong that nothing else can control your life. Start to do meditation every morning and try to focus on the goals of your life which you want to achieve. Feel the presence of God everywhere and throw away all those doubts and unnecessary worries which never let you to win your fears. Often we live in fear, because we accept the lie that we will have "bad things" happen to us because we have done "bad things." If you have really done something wrong and you are aware of that then try to repent for your deeds but make yourself free from the feeling of that guilt which never allows you to overcome your fears.

The forces which have created this whole world want you to be successful at every step of your life. But they have put hurdles across the path of your success just to make sure that you really deserve to win. Prove yourself, do the necessary hard work, face the challenges and win your fears – nothing would ever dare to stop you to conquer this world...

Sometimes, I Like To Walk Alone in the Darkness...

on Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sometimes, it’s really good to think about your life, people you love, mistakes you have committed in your past and a mixture of good and bad memories you have and the best time to do that is when you are completely alone!!! You can concentrate to understand the reasons behind your existence only when you understand the importance of giving some time to yourself also. Sometimes, it’s good to walk alone in the dark, fighting with your own thoughts and fears, thinking about those questions of your life which are still being unanswered. It’s the best time to cry for that pain you never deserved to have. It would make you feel the importance of yourself and the life you have been gifted with.

Being alone for sometime doesn’t mean that you are becoming a psycho or some mental disorder is getting developed inside you. Try to live a life of optimism when you are being alone and start to learn the ways which can make your life better. Always remember!!! A person is the best teacher of his own. It is one of the most important tools you require for self building. Think about the qualities you have which make you different and more important than others and the drawbacks of your personality which are creating a hindrance for you to achieve success. It is a great way to improve your thinking and reasoning skills as well. Try to rediscover the fun of your life which has been lost somewhere in the ashes of past. You will find that all of a sudden, you have started to get familiar with the things you love and enjoy. Listen to the best music, thinking about your dreams in your free time when nobody can disturb you. Read your favorite books. Feel the magic of that unknown feeling which you have never observed before. Leave your mind free for sometime and let the world of your dreams go in any direction it want to. It would make you feel calm and give you some relief from your busy lifestyle.

When I was searching for this little bit more, I came to know that out of the four main types of personalities, Expressive and Amiable likes people. Expressive loves to be social and can't live without people. Amiable loves people but don't mind giving some time to themselves too. Analytical personalities on the other hand like to spend majority of their time being alone and thinking about their own. It’s not advisable to have extreme of anything. If you would attain the personality of being expressive you would not be able to give enough time to yourself. On the other hand you would not be able to interact with others if you try to be analytic which will take you into the depression. Rather, I would suggest you to become an amiable kind of person who knows how to have balance between both the sides of your personality. Be social but keep some time for yourself too. Being sensitive is good but being over sensitive would not give you anything except unnecessary pain and suffering.

Life is a race. Everybody is running for success. Lifestyle has become fast and while competing with others, you also have become a part of that race, doesn’t matter, whether you wanted to be a part of that or not. Days and nights have become shorter than before and it has become really difficult to get some time for your own so you should know how to utilize that time in the best possible way when you connect yourself to the divine and it can produce such good results for you which would be far beyond the limit of your imagination and expectations!!!

Night Owls!!!

This special post is for all those people who don’t sleep at night. Your body only needs a certain amount of sleep everyday. And that amount depends on how much energy you use throughout a day. It doesn’t matter at all whether you sleep at night or during the day time. People who work at night gets time to sleep during the day time only. Only they know how difficult it is to live against the laws which nature has created for mankind. This can be asked from the people who work in call centers or the BPOs. God has created the concept of night so that people may get some rest in their daily life. But if you are forced to work in the night only then it becomes a necessity to go against this kind of law. And you need a great courage to do that. It’s not an easy task to live against the rules which nature has created for us.

Now if we think about this topic a little bit more, we find so many reasons that why many people don’t sleep at night. People who work in call centers or BPOs are bound to work at night. So they can’t sleep during that time. The other major group which doesn’t sleep at night is constituted by those courageous people who like to spend their nights surfing social networking websites like orkut or facebook. People who suffer from some kind of anxiety or are in love with someone also find it difficult to sleep at night. Some people use this time to write novels or to complete their office work. Good students like to study at night only as they don’t face many disturbances during this time. Poets and lyricists have given more importance to night as compared to the day time in their poems. People who see dreams with open eyes don’t sleep at night. Some families who have got new born babies in their houses have to spend so many sleepless nights as most of the babies like to cry during the night only. There is a small group of people also who don’t sleep at night because they are proud of this thing that they are different from others and find it really cool to stay awake the whole night. Boys and girls who call themselves by the name fun loving people also find it an insult to follow the rule of nature and spend most of their nights in pubs and discos dancing and boozing. A large proportion of the problem is due to the high paced lifestyle causing the lack of time to get the sleep.

So we can see that there is a huge crowd of people which don’t sleep at night. And if you think you are alone then it’s not true as there are millions of people who struggle with that everyday and are suffering from insomnia. Now if we try to think about the demerits of this and what can be the consequences we find that the situation is really alarming. God has created the difference between day and night, so that people may get some time for resting and sleep, since little work or labor can be done in the dark. According to a study, people who don’t sleep at night are not able to fully concentrate on their work and become less productive. Their memory weakens and are more prone to diseases than other people who follow the right life style. It makes you less immune to different kind of diseases. It makes you feel more frustrated and irritated and there are more chances of getting into a depression if you continue to do that for a longer period of time. You will not be able to feel happy even if you haven’t got any major problems in your life.

Now, people who are not compelled to stay awake the whole night can understand this fact that there is no harm in following this rule of nature. After all, these rules have been made only to help you out and to make your life easier. But if you are forced to work at night to make both your ends meet, you have to take care of few small things. Try not to have any kind of noise at the place where you sleep and keep your room dark during your sleep hours. Take nutritious food and don’t think about things much. Try to keep all your tensions apart and keep the temperature of your room little bit low. Make sure that your room has proper ventilation and never try to use sleeping pills. Don’t get disturbed by unnecessary phone calls while you sleep during the day time. If you won’t take a good sleep after working whole night then it would drag you into a serious trouble. You would not be able to concentrate on your work the next working night. So if not feeling sleepy during the day time then try to think about good things you have in your life, read boring novels and listen to the music which can make you feel sleepy. Eating more than your limit would also make you feel sleepy but that is not a good option!!! Try to have easy life style and you can booze sometimes if you think it makes you feel good and helps you to take a good sleep. But always remember!!! These things are not good for health so think at least a once before doing that. Do everything but in limit!!! Smoking is a very common habit among those people who work at night. They use cigarettes to stay awake the whole night. But it is the worst thing which you can do to your life. So quit smoking. And try to have some tea or coffee instead of that. But coffee also contains nicotine which is not good from your health point of view. So do that also in limit. The best way to keep yourself fresh and energetic is to wash your face at regular intervals and to have a small walk if you feel sleepy while doing your work. Try to have good interaction with people who work around you and arrange your lunch and dinner according to your needs. People who work at night can understand what lunch and dinner actually mean to them.

If you work at night then don’t think yourself unlucky. You should be happy that you are working harder than the people who work during the day. You are lucky enough to see the beautiful sunrise outside and you should feel proud of yourself that you dare to be different from others!!!

Suicide Is Not The Only Solution!!!

on Friday, March 12, 2010

Suicide means the act of killing oneself. We feel like to commit suicide when the suffering in a person’s life becomes more painful than he is able to cope with. Suicide is the easiest way of getting rid of life’s problems. People commit suicide because they want to get some relief from their pain. They forget this fact that relief is a kind of feeling. And you have to keep yourself alive to feel it.

A suicide attempt is a clear indication of the level of suffering a person is going through. It means that you have got no respect for your own. People have got different reasons to commit this crime. Some think of it because of the pain of betrayal they face because of their loved ones while others do it because of their family problems. Mental disorders are also a big cause which inspires people to end their own life. Surprisingly, there is a great increase in the suicide attempts made by teens over the recent years. People get so much irritated with their life that they even forget this fact that they are not putting an end only to their own life but are also giving that intolerable and endless pain to their loved ones which they don’t deserve. Only cowards run away from their problems while true warriors fight with them till the end of their lives. It doesn’t matter how big a problem is but we have to fight till the end – if not possible for the sake of our own then for the people whom we love. You have to face all the pain for the people you care about. You don’t have any right to punish your loved ones for the mistakes they never made.

According to statistics in India, more than one lakh people take their own lives every year and the rate of suicide is about 10 par 100,000 persons. Suicide has become the 11th leading cause of death in the United States and numbers are increasing every year. If we try to look more deeply into these statistics we come to know that more man die every year because of suicides as compared to woman.

Suicide is a crime. It means that you don’t have any respect for the life you have been given by God. There is always a reason behind the existence of everything. Whatever exists must have a cause for its existence. If you have been sent on this earth that means there is some specific reason behind that and you are not at all useless. You are lucky enough that nature has given you the power to think. If you ever feel that all hopes have been ended and now you would not be able to tolerate your sufferings anymore than look around. You will find many people who are suffering with much more pain than you are going through but are still fighting with their problems and sufferings with such a great courage. Try to get some inspiration from those people who once have lost everything in their life but have achieved everything back because of their hard work and determination One day, we all have to die. Then what is the need to rush!!!

Once you take your own life, you would not be able to come back. It doesn’t make any sense to give away such a precious thing which you cannot get back. It is not a game which you can start over again and again. Committing suicide means you don’t have any respect for God who created you and people whom you love. Don’t ever let your feelings dominate your actions. Your life should not be governed by your feelings. If you ever loose all kind of faith and hope then talk to your family members, your friends and people you trust. Try to read some inspirational books and try to understand the importance of your existence. Make your heart strong and try to become a real warrior!!! You can kill yourself anytime. So won’t it be better if you can wait for a day at least to kill yourself??? May be you would find a reason not to kill yourself in the meantime. And if all these things get failed to help you out, then go to see a doctor right away.

It doesn’t matter how big a problem is. But the thing which actually matters is how much courage and strength you have got to face it and how much you trust yourself that you have got the ability to win. Be the favorite of your own. And never let anything make you feel that you have been defeated…

Memories...22 Years of my Life!!!

on Thursday, March 11, 2010

I have always treat my memories as best friend of mine. They teach me how to face the challenges I come across in my daily life. These memories are my greatest inspiration to fight with the uncertainty of my life. I want to thank all those beautiful people who came in my life and gave me all those lovely memories which I can never forget. Memories are everlasting. It doesn’t matter at all whether they are to be cherished or regretted. They make you cry when you remember the time u cried and bring smile to your face when you think about the good memories you have. People you love may go away from your life someday. But the memories they left behind will always be there with you to make you feel that those people still exist in your life. Memories are our only paradise from which we can never be expelled. People may force you to forget about them but they cannot make you forget those beautiful moments you spent together.

The heart that truly loves never forgets. My childhood memories are still so fresh in my mind that I can see them happening in front of my eyes as if I am watching some kind of a real movie. You may forget about the people you love but do you have the ability to forget about those beautiful moments also you shared together!!! I still remember the time when I was a small child. I still remember the day I went to the school for the first time. Just as I can tell you about my first birthday I celebrated. Childhood is a never ending vacation which nobody wants to forget. Things which we learn in our childhood remain with us forever. We only want to remember the good things of our life forgetting the fact that it’s the bad memories which make us understand the real truth about life. It’s only the sad memories of your life which make you strong and inspire you to fight with the difficulties you go through. I have very fond memories of my sister with whom I have spent the most of my childhood time. We used to live in a government house located in one engineer’s colony with beautiful scenic view around. There were trees, beautiful birds, a colorful musical fountain and a big inspection house where we used to play. I used to go to my school in a school bus. Childhood memories are so powerful that they never allow us to forget them. They have such a strong impact on our mind which never allows us to come out of their influence. Things which we learn in our childhood times play a great role in shaping our lives. I really want to go back to this part of my life one day.

After that comes the time when we grow up a little bit more and start to understand about our life in a better way. This is the time when we start to think about our future. I still remember the day when I decided to become an engineer and opted for Math. I gave various entrance exams and finally took admission in a good government college where I spent the most beautiful days of my life there which slowly made me forget about all the tension I gone through while preparing for these exams. I did all those things in my BTech which nobody could have done. It’s always fun to study in a government college where you have full right to do those things which others can’t even think about. I still remember the tension I used to go through one night before the exams. Most of the engineering students believe in one night fight. I follow the same principal and somehow managed to get a good score card at the end of my graduation. I met so many beautiful friends, such great seniors in my graduation which made these memories so memorable.

Then came the most crucial time when I had to think about my destiny. Race for success started and days of joy ended. People left and promises were forgotten. This was the time when I became so alone that I stopped to think about my future. Everybody became the part of that race and I left behind of all of them. Days of struggle started and life started to show its true face. This was the time when I started to understand the truth about our life and rules which decide our destiny. But as life has its own twists and turns, I got the opportunity to work with a big company and I left for Delhi on the very next day.

This was the place where I spent the last five months of my life and came across various new things which I never imagined before. I met with so many different people who had come from different places and gave me the opportunity to understand about different kinds of culture. I learnt about several new things and started to understand the challenges of the corporate world for the first time in my life before I resigned from there.

It was all about my past 22 years of my life. May be I would never be able to get those golden days back in my life I have spent before but my memories would always be there to help me finding the right path to my destiny…

Mystery about 'Death'

on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

‘Death’ is the most puzzling and ambiguous mystery related to life. It is the biggest secret which everyone fails to answer. And despite all the efforts to understand this mystery it has yet not been solved. It has remained as mysterious as ever before. Death is the most difficult subject to understand.

I always get confused that why some people die so quickly, and others take such a long time. In the same way, I don’t know why some people die so peacefully, and others in such difficult conditions. The mystery about death and what happens after death are the subjects which have always fascinated man so much but are still unanswered. It’s hard to understand why some people die so early and some live such a long life

I believe that all of us have been created from same kind of dust. According to Christian mythology, Adam became a living soul when God breathed into his nostrils. So that means if God’s breath is removed, he becomes dust again. According to Bhavagad Gita, spirit goes either to the heaven or to the hell according to the deeds performed on the earth but it has its own limitations. Lives in these worlds are also not permanent and those who go there are bound to return when the influences due to their sins or virtues get finish. One achieves happiness by doing good deeds and sorrows by doing bad deeds. A person can convert his sins into virtues by doing good things in life and repenting for his bad deeds. Similarly, he can convert his virtues into sins by doing bad deeds. Man himself is responsible for the pain and suffering he goes through. We believe that God runs this World and he can save us from all the sins which we do. They believe that praying to God is the best way to hide their sins. This is not true. This entire world has been created by some divine power and that divine power has been given the name of ‘God’. We have to face the merits and demerits of the deeds we do in our lives. Deeds performed by us decide our fate. We can save ourselves only by repenting for our bad deeds and the best way to do that is to help others. We pray to God so that we get some inspiration to become like him. We should believe in ahimsa and non-violence because these are the best rules to live a good life. If we can’t give life to anyone then what right we have to kill others!!! Jainism says that spirit takes different forms of life and have to take birth again and again before it can become eligible for union with the divine.

Everyone has to die some day – rich or poor, healthy or diseased, young or old. If there is one thing we can be certain of, it's that we will die. I read it somewhere that death follows life and life proceeds from death. Every end is the start of a new beginning. Nobody knows about the future. Death is actually not what it seams. It is merely a transfer of life from one form of existence to another. When we observe the world around us we will find that some people are born in rich families and some are born poor. Nobody can understand all these mysteries about life. But it’s not right to blame God for the unhappiness and miseries of our lives. God never wants one human being to kill another. He does not want us to suffer any pain and suffering. It’s all depends on the deeds we do. Nobody can save you from the demerits of the sins you do in your life. Nobody would be able to share your miseries and sorrows. It’s only you who is bound to eat all the fruits you get from the plants of sin and virtue you have planted. None of us know what will happen to us after we die. If one is very much afraid of death, he would not be able to enjoy life to its fullest. Don’t waste your life worrying about death. It’s a part of your life. When a child is born he is free from all kind of fears. But as he grows, his mind and heart starts to fear about the things he sees around him. If you have born then one day you must have to die also. Live your life the way you want to. Let the life play its game because you are not strong enough to change the cycle of life and death. You have to accept the life as it comes. The honest truth is: everyone has to die-if not today then tomorrow. But life will continue for others. So the memories you leave behind will never fade away and will always keep you alive in the heart of those you loved…

Difference between Love and Desire...

on Monday, March 8, 2010

Let me share a story with all of you. Once there was a boy who was in deep love with one girl. Boy was very caring and possessive about her. He was never able to see her in pain. But one day when he was very much busy with his office work he forgot to call her. Unfortunately that was the day when they met for the first time and he forgot about that. Girl wanted to gave him a memorable surprise. So she arranged for a wonderful candle light dinner and was desperate to share all her feelings and memories with him that day. She decided not to eat anything until the guy comes. She was feeling hungry but was so much in love with him that it did not strike to him that the night has already passed. The boy came in the morning frustrated and tired. I hate you -- get out of my life!!!" she said when he finally arrived. She was furious about everything which happened that night. The candles had already burned out.

She loved him so much that she got enraged, and told him she wants a breakup and never want to comeback again! Obviously to that guy, girl no longer loved him, so he left, hurt and upset, and spent the day somewhere else. She was even more hurt that he stayed away from her the whole day also.

Of course, she loved him very much. She understood that. She could feel that her heart beats only for him. But how could she love him and hate him at the same time? She wondered, and he wondered, and with no clear answer they drifted apart.
She didn't understand that love is more than a feeling of pleasure. Girl’s anger meant that he was very important to her. Otherwise she wouldn't care at all. But a small misunderstanding drifted them apart and both of the people thought that the other one is wrong. And both of them spent rest of their lives suffering with great pain thinking about each other. They wasted there lives just because of a small misunderstanding :( and spent rest of their days suffering with pain of betrayal.

It’s a very common problem with all of us that we don’t want to understand the feeling of others and want to carry the relationship in our own ways. We fail to understand that love means to sacrifice, to care and to respect each other. We don’t want to change ourselves for the sake of others even if that leads to the suffering for a lifetime. We get so much busy with ourselves that we failed to realize that there is one more life which depends upon you. We forget about this fact that there is one more person in your life whose destiny go along with yours.

Let me share one more real story with you from my life experiences. There was a friend of mine who was really close to me. I met him in Delhi only. He was engaged to one girl and both were in true love with each other. They were so close to each other that everybody used to give their example whenever they discuss about the existence of true love. But life never remains the same. One morning when my friend woke up, he got a phone call from her girl friend that she wants a breakup and she did not want him to call her again ever in his life. He was shocked. He felt a deep pain within his soul. He goes in depression for few days. He started to hate her for that betrayal and decided to move ahead with his life. Slowly we all forget about what happened. Then after few weeks he came to know that the girl was suffering from some disease which was not curable and she just did not want her boy friend to waste his life for the sake of her. She was in hospital since last so many days. By the time we could have reached there she was already died!!! She was silent and smiling. Her soul was in peace. I felt a feeling of deep pain inside me. When I tried to talk to that guy he was speechless. His mind was in subconscious state as if he doesn’t know what’s going on all around him. He just managed to say a few words to me which made me cry. He said to me “If I would ever get a chance in my life to decide between love and death than I will choose death. Love hurts more than that”. He does not want to have love ever again in his life. He does not want any other girl except her to come into his life again. I could feel his pain but I was just not able to help him in any way. I was helpless. I did everything whatever I could but he has to live along with this intolerable pain for his entire life himself. I wish I could have done something magical for him.

The first meaning of love what I have understood is how much you care and respect for the feelings of the other. Creating a close, loving relationship is not at all difficult to understand. The condition is that both the people should know that love demands sacrifice and there is no harm if you can change yourself a little bit for the sake of other and to make your relationship long lasting. Both the people should have flexible point of view about each other and they should not get very much strict about anything. Both of them should know how to neglect small things which can spoil their relationship and should know how to forgive each other. Sometimes people spoil their relationship just because of other people who start to interfere in their lives. We should not think about the humors spreading around. All these things happen when one person don’t trust the other. We should listen to the voice of our heart. We should try to feel that pain that how much other person would suffer when you would leave him/her. And if you are not sure that you would not be able to live up to your promise then its better not to love. Both of them should understand their responsibility towards each other. They should try to make each other happy by giving happy small surprises at regular intervals and should try to trust each other from the bottom of their heart. They should try to not to do anything which can hurt the other one and both of them should give it a thought how to make each other’s life more comfortable. They should be aware of this fact that their destinies are connected to each other and deeds of one would have the direct impact on the life of the other. We should be strong enough to fulfill our promises:) There is nothing wrong in loving someone but we should understand the difference between desire and true love. It all depends on the simple, basic rules of listening, understanding, and empathizing with what is important to your loved one.

The worst thing with love is that it never comes alone. It brings other feelings also along with itself like hatred, jealousy, sadness and pain which you feel when someone breaks your heart but if you have truly loved somebody you would start to love that pain of separation also. I listen to this somewhere that if someone has truly loved you it's not possible that he/she would never comeback to you. And if he/she really never comeback then his/her love was not true!!!

Life's Destiny...

on Saturday, March 6, 2010

Yesterday, when I was getting bored at home, I got a call from one of my very good friends who is very much worried about his future these days. He was sounding very low. I did whatever I could to encourage him and to make him feel better but after he hanged up, there was something which forced me to think about my destiny as well. I struggle daily with my limitations and fears. I read it somewhere that pain and suffering are the most powerful tools required for personal growth. Nothing can make you understand the truth about life more quickly. What does suffering mean??? Have you ever thought about this even??? It’s very difficult to answer this but what I have understood is – it means that something has happened in our life which we did not want. I have learnt this from my own experiences that suffering helps us to understand who we truly are. It helps us to understand those natural forces of nature which have created us. I believe that we all have been created by same single force which has created these beautiful mountains, rivers and tress surrounding us. We all belong to the same family and happiness comes only by helping and supporting each other. Your life can be made better by the things that break your heart. The suffering you have gone through helps you to understand the pain of others. Life will never work out the way you expect it to. We are compelled to take the life as it comes. No one can understand the complete truth about life. People who are happy with their lives know how to live in the present. They never think about their past and never get worried about the future. You have to learn the rules to live your life in a better way. The rules which I have always failed to understand!!! I read it somewhere that life is a river with two banks. On one bank we will find joy and happiness and on the other there are sufferings and sorrows. You cannot stay stuck on either one too long. It has been rightly said that the only people who don’t have any kind of problems in their lives are six feet under the ground. If you really want to live, you have to face all the challenges you come across in your daily life with full courage and determination. Most of the people are not aware while following the crowd that they are not living the life of their own. I never avoid my feelings. I have not been sent on this earth just to please others. People have got their own ways to heal their sorrows. But the best way to do that is to help others. Trust me, I have learnt all this from my past experiences. It would not completely heal your injury but it will lessen your pain to a level where you would be able to tolerate that at least. It’s a nice idea to make others laugh and feel good. Believe me, it’s not that difficult to be a good human being. Just promise yourself that you will never do anything to hurt other people and will always try not to have any kind of ill feeling for anybody. The more you believe in giving, not getting the more you would get satisfied with your life. We should afraid of that supreme power which has created us because if it has created something it has got the power to destroy that as well.

Now the most important question is that whether we are able to discover our destiny or not. The more I think about this the more I get confuse. I am a very inexperienced person to answer such a difficult question. We cannot live our life the way we want. Life has got its own rules. We have to follow those rules of nature if we want to live. Even the biggest scientist or the future teller would not be able to tell you that what is going to happen next in your life. The truth is that no one can discover his or her destiny. You just have to make plans and set your goals. Then work as hard as you can to achieve what you desire. Your destiny would find you by itself. Just be yourself what you really are and don’t try to follow others. What is the need of following others if you can do much better than them??? Don’t commit the crime of betraying yourself. Self examination is our greatest asset to know who we truly are.

Somebody has told me today only that there is nothing called toughest time as life is a journey where you have to pass many hurdles. It’s up to you to decide how you’ll face them. Either live your life happily or cry for whole life.

But I know how difficult it is to follow all these golden rules because it’s easy to say something than to do it in the real life. Life is a puzzle or its better to say that life is a big compulsory game which we have to play. We have not been provided with any other choice…

Places I like to visit the most in Delhi...

on Thursday, March 4, 2010

The only Mall i used to visit

PVR Saket...My Favourite place in Delhi

Essex Farm...My favorite fun place