on Sunday, March 21, 2010

Friends…the word means a lot more to me than its literal meaning. If I have earned really something good in my life then it’s just a few good friends and the beautiful memories they gave to me. A good friendship is one of those few things which I really care about. It gives me that moral support which helps me a lot when I am alone. Every time when I have to leave any place because of change of job or any other reason, the thing which I miss the most are my friends only and the intensity of pain I feel while doing that is the same every time. I never been able to come out of that shock for a long period of time which always makes it a little bit more difficult to me to get settled at a new place and to adjust with the new settings. But as nature never wants you to get stop at one stage, it keeps on sending new people in your life to make you understand about its reality. It makes you to leave the things you love because it wants you to come out of your world of dreams so that you can understand about what the real world actually is. But I never understand that how can you forget those people so soon with whom you share your dreams, your moments of joys and sorrows, and your feelings??? How can you stop to think about those people with whom you share the most beautiful time of your life??? People always say to move on but how??? This they even don’t know. It’s not easy at all to leave everything behind just within a few seconds of time. Trust me guys, it hurts a lot!!!

Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks’ degenerating into a desire, but friendship is only about sharing. So, don’t even dare to underestimate its power!!! It can do miracles and can bring a smile on your lips even in your loneliest times when other things fail to do that. If I start from my childhood, the first two names which strike to me are Akku and Coockie. We used to play in the inspection house and had lot of fun everyday. Now I don’t remember much about that time as I left that that city when I was only 4 years of age, but their names are still so fresh in my mind!!! Sometimes I wonder whether they also remember me or not as so many years have been passed since then. After that, we got transferred to a new place and I met a new group of friends --- Luckkey, Gogi and Sid. We all were in the same school and used to pass our evenings playing cricket and video games with other guys. Then I went to a new place and two new names added to my friend’s list – Amit & Varun. Both are extremely fun loving guys and still after so many years, are very good buddies of mine. They are smart, helpful and very courageous. We know about each other a lot. Again, I was forced to change my old school as it was only up to 10th and I took admission in a new one. There I met Pulkit, Giriraj, Ankit and Nitin who became good friends of mine in such a short time!!! The school was extremely boring with very strict rules but somehow I was able to stay there just because of these guys. They help me a lot to make me understand that life is not that easy as it seems to be. I studied there till 12th.

The biggest change in my life came after that only when I had to leave my family, all my friends, and every other thing which I love as I had to go to a new place for my further studies. I have already written about my college life in my previous posts :) College got over, new challenges came and life got drastically changed. I got the opportunity to work in a big MNC and for the first time in my life, I came to know about the corporate world!!! I saw the new way of living life and met new people there who all had come from different communities and cultures. I got to know what real world actually is all about. I saw the new kind of lifestyle where no one waits for the other. I made lot of new friends there too. Mohit, Charan, Prateek, Gaurav, Varun, and Biku are just the few names otherwise the list is quite long!!! I have already written about my other friends in my previous post :) While I was getting habitual of new things there, again conditions got changed and I had to leave that place too. I have already described about my last day at the office in one of the posts. One more time, I went through all that stuff which I always hate to do.

And this is just the official list of my friends. The unofficial one includes all those names as well with whom I meet just once or twice in my daily life and who make me learn something new every time. It has happened with me so may times that while going in a train or a bus; I made so many new friends with whom I had never been able to talk again but even after being an unknown to me, have given me those memories which I can never forget!!!

If there is one ingredient which adds warmth and love to life…it is friendship. With friends we can share what we see, what we feel and what we love. Friends can help us with our problems because they only listen to us. And as they listen, we begin to understand the language of our own hearts. A good friendship helps us to go through with our other relationships as well. It helps you to face your bad times and to enjoy the good times. If you really want to earn something in your life then try to have some good friends who will always be there when you need them and make you feel as if you are living in some different kind of world. And there is a very famous saying which I read somewhere that: “Most people come into our lives and quickly leave. It is the special few that come in and leave a footprint in our hearts, and we are changed for forever”.


Swati said...

i agree..frns r actually d most precious gift in one's lyf..earning a good frn is much more valuable than earning money or ny othr costly items..bt i dnt agree that moving on in lyf means u hv to forget d old ones..to me it means moving on with d old ones..may b nt by physical presence,bt by mental unity & bondness...

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