Those 4 Farzi Years Of My Life :) :) :)

on Tuesday, March 16, 2010

You cannot imagine how much proud I feel when I think of myself as being one of the furziest engineers of this world!!! There are very few people who deserve to be called as a true farzi engineer and I have worked really hard to get that title!!! This is in tribute of all those engineers who think that they actually were not born to be an engineer but somehow they managed to become one. I am writing this in fond memory of those 4 precious years of my life which otherwise I could have spend in something more creative and innovative.

I feel so proud to tell you how a farzi engineer spend those 4 sucking years of his life, continuously saying “all is well” to himself, when he knows that nothing can ever go right for him. There are so many crazy things which I did during this period of my life. Let me share a few of those with you. I was in 1st year of my graduation and the occasion was of Diwali. I blew a rocket from my department. Unfortunately the rocket did not go straight and turned towards the director’s office and hit the glass door. Now you can easily imagine why I never played with crackers after that!!! There is one more same kind of incident which happened when I and 2 of my friends had to give a viva on OOPS. The person who had to take our viva belonged to Gorakhpur. When I and my friends went out for it, he asked an unexpectedly simple question. On hearing that, both of my friends could not control their laughter and started to laugh which started with a hint of shyness in it and ultimately reached a loud khe-khe-khe-ho-ho-ho-he-he!!! Looking at them I also started to laugh and could not able to control it after that for the next 5 minutes. Our HOD was also there that time in that room. The invigilator got embarrassed and he asked us the terrible questions after that. That Viva proved a nightmare for us. When the result came, somehow I was just been able to cross the boundary and both of my other ‘laughing’ friends got failed!!! The question was, is C a programming language or an operating system??? There also came the most insulting moment of my BTech life when our 2nd year end sems were going on. There was a teacher who used to trust me a lot. I was her favorite student. The exam was of electrical engineering which had a lot of numerical in its syllabus. It was hard to learn the formulae for all so I wrote some of them on my table before the exam. I don’t know how but the teacher caught me and scolded me a lot. Then she erased all the formulae written on the table herself. Finally she said “I cannot believe that you also do this like all others”. Suddenly all my classmates shouted in one voice that “Mam, what’s new in that. He does this in almost every exam”. Can you believe that???

There are lot of same kind of tragedies which happened in those 4 years of my life. The list is endless. I did not submit even one assignment on time and never wasted a single moment of my life in labs etc. Made full use of proxy to complete my attendance and it was like an insult to study except a night before the exam. I used to sit on the last bench and never even tried to find out where our library is??? I got everything Xeroxed and never bought even a single book. I spent most of my time at the khokas built outside our university and never let my teachers know what my roll number is. After the exam, we had the same excuse every time that all of the questions were out of syllabus and that’s why the paper didn’t go well. There was one more excuse that the things which I studied did not come at all!!! Although it’s a different thing that few people used to accept the truth also that they did not prepare well and that’s why were not able to do anything in the exam also. It was fun to do strike to get the date of the exams extended and proudly I can say that we succeeded almost every time!!! I never prepared any kind of presentation myself and my friends saved me from the trouble of making project files also. Made hell lot of friends and done those crazy things which nobody can ever expect. But still at the end of those 4 years, I managed to get a very good scorecard and got opportunities to work at many places.

To tell you the truth, I miss those years. I miss those classes where I studied, the playground of my university, sitting at the khokha with my friends, the last minute tension before the exam, lecture given by my teachers, and all those moments of several joys and sorrows which I experienced there. It was only after that beautiful period of my life when I come to know about the reality. People made me understand that life is not only about fun. It wants you to learn something new everyday. I know I will never get those days back again but will never let those memories go out of my heart and my life which always bring a tear of joy in my eyes. Never!!!


Anonymous said...

gud work bhai.............i should say u r a wonderflu writer.......mjhe meri coll ife yaad aa gyi it up nd kp rocking........

rimit said...

hmm dude college days r d best days of life!!! u hv done a great job nd hv sophisticatedly written it in ur blog!!! well done

saket said...

rimit...i want the best days of my life back...

Swati said...

wonderful yar!!!

saket said...

thx :)

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