A New Morning!!!

on Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Each new morning starts with new hopes and expectations. The greatest gift you have is the knowledge that every new day is a beginning. Promise yourself to celebrate each new day as a new challenge and be thankful to God who has gifted you with such an unbelievable life. Start each day fresh and forget about the failures and mistakes you committed in your past. Be determined each and every day to wake up with a sense of importance and determination and try to improve yourself and your thoughts each new day of your life. Expect the best and make your heart happy. Make someone smile everyday and stop to worry about those things which you don’t have.

Let me share a story with you. One day a man was walking down the street and saw his friend crawling around on his hands and knees looking for something. The man asks his friend what he is looking for. His friend says, "I lost my key." The man feels sorry for his friend and gets down to help look for it. After a long time without success the man asks his friend where he was standing when he lost his key. The friend replies, "Oh, I lost it in my house." Outraged by this the man asks why he is looking on the street then. His friend says, "Because there is more brightness here." You may find the story funny but has got the deep meaning inside. Everyone wants to know the purpose of his life. He wants to figure out the secret to his happiness. He wants to find the key to live a loving and joyous life. Yet, he look everywhere except inside of him. When we think about our past, we recognize the mistakes we did and about the victories we achieved. It doesn't matter what we did yesterday but the thing which matters the most is how much determined we are to learn from that. Ask forgiveness for yesterday and move on to the present. We are not provided with any other choice as it’s not in our hands to change the paste. Feel the beauty of the first rays of the sun, directly falling on your face, and filling your soul with joy and brightness. Let your soul sing a new song each morning. Believe in the power of God. Think what you are suffering from now, is nothing as compared to the glory he will give you later. Your faith in him will make you strong up to the end of yours. He is your true helper so never get afraid of anything. Try to connect with others who have also gone through similar situations and try to find some hope, strength and encouragement from their experiences. Reach out to someone else who is struggling and you may discover that your peace of mind is found in being a source of hope for another.

Every night before you go to bed, go outside and raise your eyes to the heavens. Feel the beauty of the stars and the moon and praise God for these magnificent treasures.
Think of today as another chance to prepare yourself for that exciting future of yours you are looking for. Today is not a waste. If you desire more from life, then you can use today as a training and prepare yourself for a new morning. You will get a chance to experience only what you are prepared to experience. The faults and mistakes that you made in your past are gone and here is your chance to start your new life. Assure your heart of this thing that something wonderful can happen. And you can use your today to get ready for a new morning…


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