Night Owls!!!

on Saturday, March 13, 2010

This special post is for all those people who don’t sleep at night. Your body only needs a certain amount of sleep everyday. And that amount depends on how much energy you use throughout a day. It doesn’t matter at all whether you sleep at night or during the day time. People who work at night gets time to sleep during the day time only. Only they know how difficult it is to live against the laws which nature has created for mankind. This can be asked from the people who work in call centers or the BPOs. God has created the concept of night so that people may get some rest in their daily life. But if you are forced to work in the night only then it becomes a necessity to go against this kind of law. And you need a great courage to do that. It’s not an easy task to live against the rules which nature has created for us.

Now if we think about this topic a little bit more, we find so many reasons that why many people don’t sleep at night. People who work in call centers or BPOs are bound to work at night. So they can’t sleep during that time. The other major group which doesn’t sleep at night is constituted by those courageous people who like to spend their nights surfing social networking websites like orkut or facebook. People who suffer from some kind of anxiety or are in love with someone also find it difficult to sleep at night. Some people use this time to write novels or to complete their office work. Good students like to study at night only as they don’t face many disturbances during this time. Poets and lyricists have given more importance to night as compared to the day time in their poems. People who see dreams with open eyes don’t sleep at night. Some families who have got new born babies in their houses have to spend so many sleepless nights as most of the babies like to cry during the night only. There is a small group of people also who don’t sleep at night because they are proud of this thing that they are different from others and find it really cool to stay awake the whole night. Boys and girls who call themselves by the name fun loving people also find it an insult to follow the rule of nature and spend most of their nights in pubs and discos dancing and boozing. A large proportion of the problem is due to the high paced lifestyle causing the lack of time to get the sleep.

So we can see that there is a huge crowd of people which don’t sleep at night. And if you think you are alone then it’s not true as there are millions of people who struggle with that everyday and are suffering from insomnia. Now if we try to think about the demerits of this and what can be the consequences we find that the situation is really alarming. God has created the difference between day and night, so that people may get some time for resting and sleep, since little work or labor can be done in the dark. According to a study, people who don’t sleep at night are not able to fully concentrate on their work and become less productive. Their memory weakens and are more prone to diseases than other people who follow the right life style. It makes you less immune to different kind of diseases. It makes you feel more frustrated and irritated and there are more chances of getting into a depression if you continue to do that for a longer period of time. You will not be able to feel happy even if you haven’t got any major problems in your life.

Now, people who are not compelled to stay awake the whole night can understand this fact that there is no harm in following this rule of nature. After all, these rules have been made only to help you out and to make your life easier. But if you are forced to work at night to make both your ends meet, you have to take care of few small things. Try not to have any kind of noise at the place where you sleep and keep your room dark during your sleep hours. Take nutritious food and don’t think about things much. Try to keep all your tensions apart and keep the temperature of your room little bit low. Make sure that your room has proper ventilation and never try to use sleeping pills. Don’t get disturbed by unnecessary phone calls while you sleep during the day time. If you won’t take a good sleep after working whole night then it would drag you into a serious trouble. You would not be able to concentrate on your work the next working night. So if not feeling sleepy during the day time then try to think about good things you have in your life, read boring novels and listen to the music which can make you feel sleepy. Eating more than your limit would also make you feel sleepy but that is not a good option!!! Try to have easy life style and you can booze sometimes if you think it makes you feel good and helps you to take a good sleep. But always remember!!! These things are not good for health so think at least a once before doing that. Do everything but in limit!!! Smoking is a very common habit among those people who work at night. They use cigarettes to stay awake the whole night. But it is the worst thing which you can do to your life. So quit smoking. And try to have some tea or coffee instead of that. But coffee also contains nicotine which is not good from your health point of view. So do that also in limit. The best way to keep yourself fresh and energetic is to wash your face at regular intervals and to have a small walk if you feel sleepy while doing your work. Try to have good interaction with people who work around you and arrange your lunch and dinner according to your needs. People who work at night can understand what lunch and dinner actually mean to them.

If you work at night then don’t think yourself unlucky. You should be happy that you are working harder than the people who work during the day. You are lucky enough to see the beautiful sunrise outside and you should feel proud of yourself that you dare to be different from others!!!


Sagar said...

hey saket it seems that your are putting your entire experience in this blog. Seems really encouraging for all those people who are tired of working in nights...

saket said...

ya bro...i m missing those days :(

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