Life's Destiny...

on Saturday, March 6, 2010

Yesterday, when I was getting bored at home, I got a call from one of my very good friends who is very much worried about his future these days. He was sounding very low. I did whatever I could to encourage him and to make him feel better but after he hanged up, there was something which forced me to think about my destiny as well. I struggle daily with my limitations and fears. I read it somewhere that pain and suffering are the most powerful tools required for personal growth. Nothing can make you understand the truth about life more quickly. What does suffering mean??? Have you ever thought about this even??? It’s very difficult to answer this but what I have understood is – it means that something has happened in our life which we did not want. I have learnt this from my own experiences that suffering helps us to understand who we truly are. It helps us to understand those natural forces of nature which have created us. I believe that we all have been created by same single force which has created these beautiful mountains, rivers and tress surrounding us. We all belong to the same family and happiness comes only by helping and supporting each other. Your life can be made better by the things that break your heart. The suffering you have gone through helps you to understand the pain of others. Life will never work out the way you expect it to. We are compelled to take the life as it comes. No one can understand the complete truth about life. People who are happy with their lives know how to live in the present. They never think about their past and never get worried about the future. You have to learn the rules to live your life in a better way. The rules which I have always failed to understand!!! I read it somewhere that life is a river with two banks. On one bank we will find joy and happiness and on the other there are sufferings and sorrows. You cannot stay stuck on either one too long. It has been rightly said that the only people who don’t have any kind of problems in their lives are six feet under the ground. If you really want to live, you have to face all the challenges you come across in your daily life with full courage and determination. Most of the people are not aware while following the crowd that they are not living the life of their own. I never avoid my feelings. I have not been sent on this earth just to please others. People have got their own ways to heal their sorrows. But the best way to do that is to help others. Trust me, I have learnt all this from my past experiences. It would not completely heal your injury but it will lessen your pain to a level where you would be able to tolerate that at least. It’s a nice idea to make others laugh and feel good. Believe me, it’s not that difficult to be a good human being. Just promise yourself that you will never do anything to hurt other people and will always try not to have any kind of ill feeling for anybody. The more you believe in giving, not getting the more you would get satisfied with your life. We should afraid of that supreme power which has created us because if it has created something it has got the power to destroy that as well.

Now the most important question is that whether we are able to discover our destiny or not. The more I think about this the more I get confuse. I am a very inexperienced person to answer such a difficult question. We cannot live our life the way we want. Life has got its own rules. We have to follow those rules of nature if we want to live. Even the biggest scientist or the future teller would not be able to tell you that what is going to happen next in your life. The truth is that no one can discover his or her destiny. You just have to make plans and set your goals. Then work as hard as you can to achieve what you desire. Your destiny would find you by itself. Just be yourself what you really are and don’t try to follow others. What is the need of following others if you can do much better than them??? Don’t commit the crime of betraying yourself. Self examination is our greatest asset to know who we truly are.

Somebody has told me today only that there is nothing called toughest time as life is a journey where you have to pass many hurdles. It’s up to you to decide how you’ll face them. Either live your life happily or cry for whole life.

But I know how difficult it is to follow all these golden rules because it’s easy to say something than to do it in the real life. Life is a puzzle or its better to say that life is a big compulsory game which we have to play. We have not been provided with any other choice…


Anonymous said...

Good One
Thanks for making me feel Positive


Swati said...

seems as if u hv pen down ur own experience abt life here.... n it has been done in a clear n nice way!! well written....

Unknown said...

nice 1

be positive

Ashwani Kumar said...

hmm... energy cant be distroyed... its the law.. thus feel free to convert in into positive one.. otherwise u will be distroyed by it..Think positive.. do positive!!


yaw r the rock broda\M/

sahe write kara hain :-)

Bhawani Singh Charan said...

nice one....:)

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