When Trust Is Broken!!!

on Sunday, March 14, 2010

I was thinking to write something about this since a long time. I was just waiting for the write time to do this. Having trust on somebody means that you rely on that person for any specific thing or a reason. It means you have got faith in that person and you are confident about him. It gives you the strength whenever you are in some deep trouble and provide you the right support when you feel alone. It inspires you to face the challenges of your life with courage and determination because you know that even if everything would go wrong, you have got somebody who will never leave you. But what happens when trust is broken!!!?

It has been rightly said that trust starts with a smile and ends with tears in your eyes. Most of the people don’t ever trust that person again who has broken their faith once. But do you even know the reason why that thing happened??? Why somebody broke your trust??? There may be a reason behind that which nobody knows about. It may be possible that the person who has broken your trust is in more pain than you are actually in. Try to find out that have you also broken somebody’s trust just as yours has been broken because if you have also ever done that in your life then what right do you have to curse others??? But still in most of the cases, the person who has been betrayed is the only one who suffers from that pain of broken faith -- the pain which cannot be express in words. But even if somebody has cheated on you it doesn’t mean to stop trusting others as well. I know broken trust takes time to heal but don’t allow others to take benefit of that by any means. You need to have patience because this kind of healing always takes some time. Despite of cursing others, it’s better to do something good to your own. In order to come out of that pain, you must have to make strong commitments and should have courage to follow them. Be the best friend of yourself. Recognize the need to trust again. Some people decide not to have any other close relationship ever again in their life which is not right. Human beings are social creatures and need one another. Even if you don’t want to trust someone blindly again, you can try to have few good friends at least who can help you out to come out of your fears. People who have experienced deep betrayal in their childhood through abuse, believe that they are unable to trust anyone in any fashion. This is not true. It’s not necessary to try to find out only one person with whom you can share your entire heart. The thing which matters the most is all of your needs have to be met. And you can do that by trusting different people with different needs. Try to see that how that person whom you trust treats others. In many cases, the fear of trusting another person is more about your own fear of not being able to handle a betrayal. Even if that happens again, make a promise to yourself that even in worst conditions of your life, you would not stop trusting yourself at least.

Everyone changes with time. When another person’s actions have shattered your ability to trust, it can be very difficult to learn to trust again. However, you can learn to do that even after being deeply wounded in your past. You just need to have courage and patience for that. And it’s not wrong if you can forgive someone for his/her deeds because someone has rightly said that “we can love anyone.........but we cannot trust everyone”!!!


Saikat said...

keep the trust. Nice post.

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